A Diamond Clarity
Practically all diamonds contain naturally occurring internal characteristics called inclusions. The size, nature, location and amount of inclusions determine a diamond’s clarity grade and affect is cost.
One unique advantage of the Ideal Cut is that its sparkle can mask otherwise noticeable inclusions.
Color and Clarity diagrams courtesy of the Gemological Institute of the America and American Gem Society.
A Diamond Cut
When a round brilliant diamond has been cut to “Ideal” proportions by a master cutter, it is a splendor to behold. The Ideal Cut Diamond Describes a round brilliant diamond that has been cut to exact and mathematically proven proportions. Its symmetry, with 58 exactly placed facets, produces the ultimate in luster and beauty. When a diamond is cut to the ideal proportions, all of the light entering from any direction into a display of sparkling flashes and rainbow colors
A Premium Cut diamond demonstrates subtle variations from the Ideal Cut. Although dimensional differences affect a diamond’s reflection of light, a Premium Cut still achieves a harmonious balance between its proportions and the display of brilliance .
Most diamonds are “spread” in their cutting to retain maximum weight from the original rough. A heavier diamond will result, but at a dramatic sacrifice of potential fire and brilliance.
A Diamond Carat Weight
The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. One carat is divided into 100 parts called “points”, 1ct.=1.00; 1/2ct.=0.50.
The Value of two diamonds of the same weight can vary greatly depending on the color, clarity and especially the Cut.
Above(Premium Cut and Inferior Cut images) are two identical pieces of rough, (uncut diamonds) each of the same quality and value.
Example 1. From one piece of rough a d diamond has been cut to Ideal proportions, retaining a weight of once carat. The light is totally reflected through the top.
Example 2. The second piece of rough has been “spread” in its cutting, resulting in a diamond weighing approximately 1.40ct. Note: The girdle is thicker, the table is much larger, the angles are exaggerated, all at the expense of that diamond’s ability to reflect light.
Therefore, one can see that the value of a diamond can vary as much as 40% in the cutting alone.